Bower Builders Journal
This is a place for us to share information on building and design trends and other relevant topics with our readers.
BC Energy Step Code - How It Works
The B.C. Energy Step Code is a performance-based standard designed to improve energy efficiency in new buildings in British Columbia.
Currently, in the Regional District of East Kootenay and the City of Fernie, all newly permitted single-family residences must meet Step 3 of the Code.
Is a Custom Home Right For You?
So you want to build a ‘custom home’ - but what does that really mean?
There are 3 main types of residential new construction - Production, Custom and Semi-Custom. Here’s a breakdown of each type of build.
Square Foot Pricing
When building a custom home, consider it a prototype - no home has been built exactly this way before.
Why Engage A Builder Early In The Process
One of the most important things you can do when building a custom home is to engage with your builder early in the design process.
Home Warranty - How It Works
In British Columbia the Homeowner Protection Act ensures that new homes built by licensed residential builders…